Every life is a story. Let's get started telling yours.

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Your story matters.

How long have you been thinking about writing a memoir? Be honest, for years, right? You’ve written the opening scene over and over in your mind. Maybe you’ve even got pages saved on your computer. But something's holding you back—a story you're telling yourself that's keeping you stuck. Any of these sound familiar?

❌ It's all so overwhelming. I'm not even sure where to start.

❌ I'm not a writer. What if I'm not good enough to tell my story?

❌ I'm not sure I'm ready to open up old wounds. What's the point of digging up the past anyway?

❌ What if my family disowns me for spilling secrets?

Don’t let this be your story.

Instead of sabotaging your dream, what if today you decide to:

✅ Have fun learning the art and craft of memoir writing

✅ Kick imposter syndrome to the curb

✅ Excavate your past like Indiana Jones

âś… Bravely tell the truth about your life

Imagine the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction you'll feel leaving a legacy, sharing your wisdom, and impacting readers by vulnerably sharing your life.

It's time to get your story out of your head and onto the page. I'll guide you every step of the way.

7 Tips to Get Started Writing Your Life Story

Grab your free tips and start writing your memoir today!


Hi, I'm Marian.

“The two best days in a person’s life are the day you’re born, and the day you discover why.”

— Mark Twain

I don't remember the day I was born, but I do remember the day I discovered why. I'm here to help people shape the stories that have shaped their lives.

After graduating with a degree in English, I worked for many years in publishing. I’ve ghostwritten articles and books and co-written and edited memoir and nonfiction manuscripts. I’ve also done the hard work of uncovering my own story and writing about it.

Whether memoir, essays, blog writing—whatever form of personal narrative you choose—I want to help you experience the freedom, healing, and wholeness that comes from understanding and writing your own story and sharing it with the world. I can’t wait to join you on your journey.


Ideas and Inspiration to Make You a Better Storyteller

Discovering the Story Arc of Your Life

Autobiography or Memoir: How to Pick the Best Genre for Your Story

First Draft to Finished Manuscript: A Breakdown of the Memoir Writi...


Essential Courses for Mastering Memoir

Course 1 - COMING SOON!

A Step-by-Step Process to Get Your First Draft Done


Course 2 - COMING SOON!

Tackling Revisions & Rewrites Like a Pro


Course 3 - COMING SOON!

Prepare to Publish Your Memoir


Membership Group - COMING SOON!

Story Circles 




Join the #1 newsletter to learn how to shape the stories that have shaped your life.